10 tips to take care of your dog or cat in the event of a natural disaster
Help Us to keep our shelter Donate Now In any part of the world a natural disaster can occur, in some there is no warning in advance when they are going to occur, in other cases yes, normally people have plans for a natural disaster but what about pets? Companion animals are usually the ones […]
How do dogs measure time?
Help Us to keep our shelter Donate Now Human beings have their own way of measuring time, days, months, years, hours, minutes, etc. All people measure time in a very similar way. Animals do not measure time in the same way, each species of animal has its way of perceiving time and in most cases […]
Dogs and cats aggressiveness
Help Us to keep our shelter Donate Now For most people, dogs are sociable animals, while cats are thought differently, they are less sociable animals and a little more aggressive, but for a feline they are very docile. Most people do not wonder how a dog or cat can live with a species as different […]
Maltrato animal y el voluntariado
Ayudanos a mantener nuestro refugio en marcha Donate Now El maltrato animal es una problemática por la cual muchos grupos de personas trabajan día a día, es un reto bastante grande para la mayoría de organizaciones ya que el maltrato animal va más allá de un problema local, es conductual en algunos humanos y cultural […]
¿Qué hace un voluntario en una fundación para perros y gatos?
Ayudanos a mantener nuestro refugio en marcha Donate Now La mayoría de personas escuchan a diario en los distintos canales de información sobre diversos maltratos animales y se preguntan ¿pero yo como puedo ayudar en esta problemática? Algunos dirán que solo puede hacerse por medio de aportes económicos y es algo que suele detener a […]
Assistance and service dogs
Help Us to keep our shelter Donate Now In most cases when we think about dogs, we think about companion dogs, and this means most of the dogs we see in families, but there are other dogs that are assistance and service dogs, the latter are working dogs. Thousands of years ago, dogs associated with […]
¿Can dogs understand our emotions?
Help Us to keep our shelter Donate Now It has always been said that dogs identify most of their environment by smell, which is true, but what about the visual in dogs? Well, the sense of vision in dogs is not the most developed, so we barely have paid attention to it, however they do […]
Animal abuse and human behavior
Help Us to keep our shelter Donate Now It is common to find cases of animal abuse on a daily basis, the most affected are domestic animals, followed by wild animals. The main cause of this abuse is humans, it is not something new, it has always been present, since the human has had a […]
Motherhood in dogs and cats
Help Us to keep our shelter Donate Now Very often, people have seen the maternity of female dogs or cats since they have a short gestation process, and this allows them to have several pregnancies in a year. But beyond seeing pregnant dogs or cats, how much is known about this process? in most cases […]
What if there were no breeds of dogs and cats?
Help Us to keep our shelter Donate Now It is striking to observe such a variety of breeds, their morphological and physiological differences. Normally, there are more notable differences between breeds in dogs than in cats. For people in general, the distinction of races occurs not only in dogs and cats, but also in all […]